What to do if you get nervous at an interview

What to do if you get nervous at an interview

There’s a lot at stake in your meeting with a hiring manger, so it’s understandable that you’re likely to get nervous at an interview.

However, it is important not to let nerves get the better of you.

Here are some simple strategies you can use to give the hiring manager the impression that you are calm and confident under pressure.

How to avoid being nervous at an interview – prepare for the event

Doing lots of research and preparation for the meeting makes it less likely you will get nervous at an interview.

By planning the travel route you will take and how long it will take to get to the meeting venue, you shouldn’t have to worry about arriving late. And if you have your clothing choice laid out ready for the interview you won’t get stressed looking for the right business attire.

Do your homework on the organisation too. If you understand the company – what it does, its main markets, and its competitors, you have less reason to be unsure about how you will handle the hiring manager’s questions.

Practise your interview technique

Think through the sorts of questions you will be asked in the interview and how you will respond. Practice your interview technique – including your introduction and handshake, with a friend until you feel confident that you won’t get flustered.

Ask your friend for feedback. Your body language may give away signs of nervousness that you’re not even aware of.

Channel nerves into confidence

The reality is that all jobseekers are likely to get nervous at an interview. So rather than trying to banish nerves altogether, use that adrenaline to project positive energy.

Think about how you’ll smile brightly at the hiring manager, walk tall into the interview room and confidently discuss your achievements in previous roles.

You’ve done well to secure an interview, and instead of worrying that you may not get the job, focus on the skills and experience you bring to the company.

Take your time responding

Good communication skills are highly valued in today’s workforce, but when you get nervous at an interview you may speak more rapidly, and that can mean stumbling over answers.

One way to overcome this is to practice slowing your speech slightly so that you are able to give clear, concise responses. Be a good listener too. This will ensure that you understand exactly what the hiring manager is asking you, allowing you to address every element of the question being posed.

Even highly skilled professionals get nervous at an interview but with planning, preparation and practise, it is possible to manage those jitters, and appear poised and professional to a hiring manager.

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