Whether you are currently employed or not, these job hunting tips will help you in the first steps of your job search activities.

Even in growing China, the workforce is comprised of employed and unemployed people. Those without a job spend a great deal of effort on job search activities to secure one by writing resumes and preparing for a promising interview. Those on the job focus on keeping it — and tend to put aside the activities that helped them find it.

But many job search activities can prove beneficial even when you’re employed. Consider the following job hunting tips, which can help your career no matter your present state:

Working on your resume
It goes without saying that the resume is a job seekers most important tool. Before launching your job search, update the document with information about your most recent positions and achievements. Continue this process as your search progresses to highlight enhancements you make to your skill set or certifications you acquire.

Once you land a new job, don’t slip your resume into a seldom-used drawer. Update it regularly with new duties and accomplishments. It will prepare you to take immediate advantage of new career opportunities that emerge.

Growing and maintaining your network
The importance of having a strong professional network in China when looking for work can’t be overemphasised. After all, those you know can alert you to new opportunities and refer you to potential employers.

However, the benefits of networking don’t disappear once you find a job. Connections within your firm can make a big difference in your day-to-day success. Go out of your way to foster these relationships by inviting colleagues to lunch, introducing yourself to people you don’t know at cross-functional meetings and company events, and volunteering for projects that will expose you to individuals in other departments.

Pursuing training options
Improving your skill set is a smart move when you’re looking for work. Whether you enroll in a certification program, attend a single-day seminar or take online courses, your efforts can help enhance your marketability and value to employers.

The same is true when you’re on the job. Keeping your skills sharp may allow you to advance within your company by preparing you for new projects and roles. Speak to your manager about training and development options and other resources.

Building a name for yourself
One of the best ways to attract the attention of potential employers is to establish a reputation as an expert in your field. Commenting on a well-known industry blog or contributing an article to a professional association’s online newsletter can help you stand above the crowd. The key is to be consistent in your activities — and always professional.

Building your reputation as a leader in your field can be beneficial on the job, too. That’s because your activities — whether you volunteer for a panel discussion at an upcoming conference or serve as president of your local networking group — can help you build new skills and meet helpful contacts. However, don’t forget to focus some of your efforts internally, as well. Volunteering for new projects and offering suggestions for improving efficiencies can help you distinguish yourself as a go-to person within your department.

Looking for new opportunities
Job search activities are, of course, your primary focus when you’re unemployed. But you should keep it top of mind even if you have a job. It always pays to remain tuned in to potential new roles because you never know when the “perfect” position could present itself, with either your current organisation or another employer.

Unemployed or not, follow these job hunting tips so you won’t need to start from scratch. Doing so also can offer some significant career advancement benefits in your current position.

Take a look at our find a job hub for more job search tips and advice.

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